June is a busy month of events in the Asistin family. My two son’s celebrate their birthdays and one of my first cousins actually shares a birthday with my oldest son. Most importantly, my parents just celebrated their 45th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations Mom & Pa! To make marriage last 45 years is a great accomplishment and no easy feat. Just go ahead and have a chat with any couple who’s marriage has lasted over 25 years and I’m sure they will have more than enough stories & advice for you.
My folks recently drove up to visit and my mom requested that I take their anniversary photos for them. My father sported his traditional Filipino formal wear in his Barong while my mother elegantly wore the dress she dawned at my younger sister’s wedding. They looked stunning and sharp! We ventured over to Rancho San Rafael Park and enjoyed the setting of the Labyrinth Garden and snapped away. It was funny working with Mom & Dad in this fashion and the family “dynamic” always seems to rear it’s head while you’re shooting. We all had a great time & I was very happy to have a great visit with my family. Congratulations Mom & Pa again & I love you both!
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